GMLJP2 Testbed 11 Participation
Aeroptic has been awarded a contract from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) to participate in the upcoming “Testbed 11” standardization exercise. Aeroptic’s Dr. Eric Hirschorn was selected to edit an engineering report “Harmonization of Standards Supporting Remote Sensing Imagery”, and further develop his recommendations for use of sensor models within OGC standards. Dr. Hirschorn has been contributing to the OGC GMLJP2 since 2013, defining methods for “(geo)reference-able” imagery.
These will allow the GMLJP2 format to not just replace legacy formats such as GeoTIFF that define an area on the ground that the imagery covers, but also to be used in higher end use cases, where users wish to project the source image themselves, such as with a Community Sensor Model. In this respect, it can serve as a modern alternative to NITF.
GMLJP2 Overview
“The OpenGIS GMLJP2 for Geographic Imagery Encoding Standard defines the means by which the OpenGIS® Geography Markup Language (GML) Standard is used within JPEG 2000 images for geographic imagery. The standard also provides packaging mechanisms for including GML within JPEG 2000 data files and specific GML application schemas to support the encoding of images within JPEG 2000 data files. JPEG 2000 is a wavelet-based image compression standard that provides the ability to include XML data for description of the image within the JPEG 2000 data file. See also the GML pages on OGC Network.”